david erwin

Minister of Music

I have been Minister of Music at Ladue Chapel since 2005.  I am responsible for the overall music program, which is both my calling and my joy.  I direct the Chancel Choir, Youth Choir, Carol Choir, Chorister Choir, Chapel Ringers and Gen/Rev Ringers.  I play the organ for Sunday services, as well as for weddings and funerals.  I organize the concerts and special music programs we host at Ladue Chapel, as well as planning for music at our monthly Taizé services and resourcing the Worship & Music Committee and the Arts Subcommittee.
I studied at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, where I received undergraduate and graduate degrees in Church Music.  Several years later I was fortunate to have advanced organ study in Paris.  I was recently awarded the title of Certified Church Musician by the Presbyterian Church, USA.

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