Ministries and Studies
Ladue Chapel is a place of fellowship and community.
Education & Ministries
Adult Education
Chair and Co-Chair: Julie Cobaugh and
Scott Mullis
Scott Mullis
Thought-provoking discussions led by various outside speakers held at 9:15 before Worship from September to May.
Disciple Bible Study
Chair: Tammy Walsh
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Mary Circle
Chair: Vicki LeResche
Mary Circle is a monthly fellowship and Bible study for the Ladue Chapel women. It is open to women of all ages and meets the third Tuesday of each month, from September through May. The group meets from 10:30-11:30 AM in Bickel Conference Room. If you cannot attend the meetings, you can still study at home using the free DVD provided by the church.
Men's Book Discussion
Chair: Bob Cranston
The Men’s Book Discussion Group selects non-fiction books to read on a 2 month cycle. The facilitator for the next cycle selects the 3 or so books to vote on for the next reading. Great discussions.
Men's Bible Study
Chair: Jim Wellman
Men’s Bible Study meets each Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM in the Leutwiler Room. The group includes study of the Bible, sharing personal and community concerns, and prayer for those in need. All men are invited to participate.