Spirituality and the Arts

Spirituality and the Arts at Ladue Chapel offers resources and opportunities for
members, visitors, and friends to experience God more fully through Christian practices
integrating mind, body, and spirit. Participation in our ministries of spirituality and the
arts may lead to deepened relationships, openness to God, and transformation through
the Spirit. 

Our three tiers of Spirituality include:

Churchwide Events
Spirituality & Arts
Music Ministry
Adult Education
Women's Fellowship
Committee and Staff Meetings
Small Groups and Studies

Whole congregation: Provide experiences, such as:

  • Arts and Faith Weekend
  • Scripture in Bloom
  • Epiphany Feast of Prayer and other prayer services
  • Labyrinth walks

Small groups: Provide opportunities for deeper spiritual growth, such as:

  • Spiritual companion groups (sharing stories of God in our midst)
  • Lectio divina (praying with scripture)
  • Floral arts ministry
  • Book discussions on prayer and spirituality
  • Prayer Chain
  • Contemplative Garden Stroll

Individual: Faith sharing and prayer, such as:

  • Prayer walk (self-led prayer journey around the church campus)
  • Offer tangible materials, such as Advent candles, to help deepen faith
  • Provide opportunities and materials for journaling when appropriate
Churchwide Events
Spirituality & Arts
Music Ministry
Adult Education
Women's Fellowship
Committee and Staff Meetings
Small Groups and Studies

Join us and experience “radical” welcome!

Anne Peacock

Director of Faith and Spiritual Life