Reverend Douglas T. King

Head Pastor

What a joy it is to be serving with you all at Ladue Chapel.  I grew up on the north shore of Long Island where I received a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at Stony Brook University.   After college I served as a volunteer in mission with refugees in Mexico and California.  I earned my MDiv degree at Princeton while serving congregations in Trenton and Brooklyn coordinating a food pantry and working with people who had come out of the prison system.  After seminary I served as an intern at Myers Park Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. My first ordained call was to Westminster Presbyterian Church in Buffalo, New York where much of my time was spent on pastoral care and mission. During my time at Westminster I met my wife Marta and we were married with five hundred church members in attendance. For the sixteen years before I came to Saint Louis I served at The Brick Presbyterian Church in New York.  The many hats I wore there included training student ministers, organizing mission efforts, supervising the staff, and coordinating pastoral care. I am very excited to be exploring all that Saint Louis has to offer.  I enjoy, hiking, kayaking, reading mystery novels, and visiting museums.  

Contact Reverend King