Care and support one another in the Body of Christ.
Stephen Ministry is a distinctively Christian caring ministry in which clergy and laity work together to provide quality one-to-one care to meet the needs of people experiencing a wide range of life circumstances or crisis, such as loss of a loved one, illness, divorce or business difficulties. This unique one-on-one ministry is a loving commitment to care for and support one another in the Body of Christ.
Stephen Ministers
Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained to offer high-quality individual Christian care to people going through tough times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour.Additionally, twice a month, Stephen Ministers gather with their Stephen Leaders for supervision and continuing education.
Confidentiality is the sacred watchword of all Stephen Ministry caring. The Caregiver never reveals with whom s/he is meeting or why s/he is needed. Any pastor can assist a member in making a supportive connection with a Stephen Minister. For any member of Ladue Chapel, a listening, caring friend is always available and as near as the telephone.

Stephen Ministers Care
Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you with the confidential, one-to-one Christian care you need to make it through a crisis or help you through a difficult time.
Our Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people who are:
Our Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people who are:
- Grieving the death of a loved one or other significant loss
- Hospitalized or recovering from hospitalization
- Dying
- Lonely or discouraged
- Coping with a terminal illness or caring for a family member with a terminal illness
- Unemployed or in a job crisis
- Disabled or caring for an ill or disabled family member
- Moving or relocating
- New to the congregation or the community
- Anticipating the birth or adoption of a child
- Homebound or institutionalized
- Transitioning into retirement
- Dealing with the crisis of aging
- Facing a life transition
- Experiencing a spiritual crisis
- Victims of a disaster or accident
- And for people facing countless other crises or life challenges or who are going through a difficult time and could benefit from the care of a supportive Christian friend.
What is a Stephen Minister?
A Stephen Minister is:
- A child of God who walks beside a hurting person;
- A caring Christian who really listens;
- A member of our congregation who has received 50 hours of training (plus continuing education) in how to provide distinctively Christian care;
- A person who is ready to focus on your needs;
- A trustworthy confidant who will keep everything you say—and even your identity—confidential; and
- Someone who will visit you in the hospital or nursing home;
- Someone who will faithfully meet with you on a weekly basis for as long as your need persists.
What a Stephen Minister is NOT...
- A counselor or therapist;
- A problem-solver;
- Someone who runs errands or helps with chores; or
- A casual visitor
Online resources available to assist Stephen Ministers and their care receivers
For more information about Stephen Ministry or how to become a Stephen Minister, contact the church office at 314-993-4771 or Rev. Melissa K. Smith
For a confidential contact, call Stephen Leaders
John Donnell: (314) 484-9268
John Donnell: (314) 484-9268
Information also available at the Stephen Ministry Home Office.
For more information about Stephen Ministry or how to become a Stephen Minister, contact the church office at 314-993-4771 or fill out the application below.